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Your guide to prepare you for your big FREEZE day.


One treatment with CoolSculpting Elite reduces up to 20-25% of fat cells in the treated area. You may need more than one treatment to reach your desired results and get the most out of your CoolSculpting Elite experience.


We want you to completely understand how your treatment and experience will be at Newtown MediSpa. So, here is an idea of what you can expect during your treatment.

Lets Plan Ahead

Once you've had your consultation and have decided that your ready to freeze away your fat, it's time to prepare for your treatment. 


You and your Coolsculpting Specialist will decide which area(s) you will begin with, schedule all your treatments and follow-up appointments, and review all the pre- and post-treatment instructions. 


We highly recommend purchasing your Alastin Transform Body Cream at your consultation. This product has been proven to accelerate the natural removal process of broken-down fat cells and will positively impact your outcome.

Be Prepared

At your consultation, our Coolsculpting Specialist will review the pretreatment protocols with you, along with recommendations on what to wear on your FREEZE day. Those disposable shorts and bras are not attractive (LOL).


Taking accurate imaging prior to treatment is a very important part of your Treatment-to-Transformation journey.

Mapping it Out

The first thing we will do at your treatment appointment, is to review your treatment areas, document your weight, take your before images, then map out our plan, literally, on your body.


Click here to see what you need to wear for imaging, listed by area.

Getting Gooey

Once your mapped out and relaxing comfortably in our Chill Suite your CoolSculpting Specialist will apply a clear gel pad to create a barrier between the cooling panel and your skin (burr...this gel pad can be very cold).


You will be very sticky, so make sure you wear or bring loose fitting clothes and clothing you don't mind getting sticky. Don't worry, this stickiness will wash out.

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Lets Freeze

Now we will apply the applicators to the treatment area. You'll feel a slight sucking sensation as the applicator adheres to your body. During the procedure, you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping at the treatment site. These sensations subside within a few minutes, as the area becomes numb.

CoolSculpting Elite treatment
Sit Back and Relax

During the treatment you'll be able to take a nap, read, answer emails, watch TV, or chat with a friend. Better yet, your friend can CoolSculpt with you at our Newtown location in our Chill Suite. Ask us how!


Treatments can be a little as 35 minutes to a few hours. It all depends on how many areas we area treating in one session.


The Finish Line

To be honest, it's a weird feeling when the applicator is taken off. The treated area will be red, numb and tingly.


This next part, for some, is uncomfortable, but well worth it. The post massage won't be your typical massage, but it is a important part of this treatment. Studies show that patients get 67% better results with this two-minute post-treatment massage.

Now We Wait

After your treatment, your CoolSculpting Specialist will review the post-treatment instructions and schedule your follow up and other treatment appointments. 


These follow up appointments are important for us to see how your are responding to your treatment. Some patients are hyper-responders, while others are slow and steady. Regardless, we are here with you every step of the way and are excited to be a part your transformation.

CALL US ANYTIME AT 203-304-9725.

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